Everything Explodes, Thosands Of Citizens Wake Up




~Penanews.my.id-Lumajang, 1 December 2020~

Jawa Timur. Mount Semeru in Lumajang Regency, East Java, erupted at dawn on Tuesday (01/12/2020). Residents in several sub-districts closest to Mount Semeru chose to evacuate to avoid the bad effects of the eruption.

As of Monday afternoon, thousands of residents of Pronojiwo District and Candipuro District, which are the area at the foot of Mount Semeru, have fled to safe locations or to the homes of their respective relatives.

Residents were seen crowded the roads in the two affected sub-districts using two-wheeled vehicles or other modes of transportation to the evacuation sites.

Meanwhile, ash rain from the eruption had fallen around the area at the foot of Semeru. Volcanic ash fells were seen covering the roofs of the houses of the residents of Curah Kobokan Hamlet, Supit Urang Village, Pronojiwo District. A number of local agricultural crops such as chili, rice and thick palawija were covered in volcanic ash.

The eruption of Semeru this time was accompanied by gliding hot clouds one kilometer to the area around the eruption, accompanied by hot clouds rising into the sky.

The Lumajang Regional Response Agency has issued an appeal for residents to immediately evacuate away from the dangerous area of ​​Semeru, because it is estimated that there will still be dangerous hot clouds gliding that threaten the safety of residents.

Meanwhile, the local government has prepared an evacuation site, namely in the Kajang Room Field, Candipuro.

The official of the Lumajang Regional Disaster Management Agency, Agus Triyono, said that masks had been distributed to the refugees. The Lumajang Regional Disaster Management Agency has also set up a number of tents and drinking water and logistics for the refugees. In addition, the Regional Disaster Management Agency in collaboration with the Lumajang Social Service will also open a public kitchen.

Residents around the affected location were also asked by the Lumajang Government apparatus to be vigilant and not have activities in the flow of the lava river such as in Besuk Kobokan, Besuk Bang, Besuk Sat and Besuk Kembar, because the observed rainfall was still quite high.


The eruption of Mount Semeru, Lumajang, Jawa Timur.

Reporter: Pril Huseno

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